
  • Weight loss: Why do some people lose weight slower from exercise?

    Weight loss is not an easy task! You spend hours at the gym exercising but someone else you know ends up losing more weight than you do in the same period, and while doing the same exercises. While you might feel like blaming your trainer or your diet, there are other things at play when…

  • Jasmine Bhasin suffers temporary vision loss due to contact lenses: Symptoms to look out for

    Television actor Jasmine Bhasin has revealed that she experienced ‘excruciating pain’ after suffering corneal damage following use of contact lenses. The former Bigg Boss contestant went through a painful sensation, and found it difficult to see. While she managed to complete her work commitment on the day, she had to rush to the doctor because…

  • Cycling to work linked to lower risk of early death: Study

    Using your cycle to get to work could be the best thing for your health! Bike commuting may reduce risk of early death by nearly 50 percent, according to a new study. Cycling to work is counted as active commuting that can contribute to reduced morbidity and mortality. It may also be good for your…

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